Our final stop in Jordan was the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth at 400 meters/1,320 feet below sea level.
A Bedouin tent
Driving over to the Dead Sea from Petra
We stayed at the Marriot located right on the Dead Sea. There are very few hotels in this area.
This region's miraculous air is dry, unpolluted and pollen-free with very little humidity. Due to the constant evaporation, the air contains high concentrations of several minerals. These minerals provide 8% more oxygen than anywhere else on earth and consequently makes breathing easier.
The water of the Dead Sea contains 21 minerals including magnesium, calcium, bromine and potassium. 12 of the minerals are found in no other sea or ocean. The high salt and mineral concentration enables everyone to float but doesn't allow the proliferation of fish and other marine life.
Tom floating..
Me floating and waving...
Our hotel had pots of mud next to the sea. Many people visit this region for the health benefits of the mud. Tom and I also covered ourselves in mud but we were too muddy to handle my camera.
Our relaxing hotel...