Tom rented a scooter for the month of August. Here he is on the scooter the day he rented it.

After Tom drove the scooter for several days to get used to it, I hopped on the back. He we are on a first spin around the block. So good.
Next, we headed to our favorite Indian store in north-east Paris. We started by going around the Arc de Triomphe.

Past a flower shop...

In the Sacré-Coeur area....

We made it to the Indian store!

Adorable dog on the scooter next to us!


Across the Seine...on the island in the Seine, there is a replica of the Statue of Liberty (a little hard to make out). We made it home right before a shower passed through Paris. Lucky!!
Hey I know some to those places, certainly the second from last!! Remember that was the first place we saw, back in April, where the huge manifestation was going on.
How great to get round on the scooter. Why now, is it cos its quieter!! Have fun and take care.
If you click on the photo with the Statue of Liberty on, it does enlarge :-)
What a great idea, renting a scooter in August when there is less traffic. I would love to get one but the traffic scares me here, I will stick to my car.
How fun!! Hope you are enjoying the nice Paris weather!!! Miss ya!!
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