We don't have a car (and definitely don't need one in Paris), so I use the metro, buses and I walk a lot. The public transportation is great here.
My first stop today is the ATM...
Next the glass recycling green thingy...yes, that is my lovely grey cart in front of it....
Then, onto Franprix for groceries and then back to the flat to drop them off...
Then, to my phamacy to pick up my prescription. My eye doctor gave me a prescription for moisturizing eye drops because my eyes get so dry during the winter because I spend a lot of time outside where it's cold and windy...the temperature under the green cross on the left side of the picture is in celsius 8°C (about 46°F)...
And then onto the orphanage. This is where I donate all of our clothes - a lot of them are clothes that "Bob's" outgrown....
Next, onto my second food store. I guess we are a family of picky eaters. Since the food stores are small I have to go to many different stores to get everything that we need...
After a quick bite, I'm off to get my haircut and highlighted (oops...not a natural blond). Sondra, the owner, does my hair. She's French but spent time in LA and NY cutting hair.
I walk in the door and surprise!! Bob and his friends are there, and they're sleeping over and they're hungry!!! Actually, I love having his friends come over and spend the night. They have so much fun together
Bob and his friends.

This is what happened when I told them that I was going to put the pictures on my blog. I'm so not cool!!


Bob and his friends.
This is what happened when I told them that I was going to put the pictures on my blog. I'm so not cool!!
Hahahaha! I LOVED the last two pics!! Hehe!! Exciting day... I know.. Your days are much more exciting than mine are!! Wait til I go to San Diego this summer... I am going to do the same thing... Such a great idea to photo journal your day...
Now, you can tell your friends here in France how you spent your days when living in NJ!!!
Take care Noelle...
P.S. Just to let you know-- 8 C = 46 F and
-8 C = 17.6 F!!! I have been DREAMING of 46 F and it's just not happening.... Oh well... 0 C = 32 F (water freezes)
Hi there Noëlle ;)
You do have a busy day !
This must be very interesting for your US family because of course verything is done with cars.
What I like about life here in the Paris area is that the mass transit is abundant and you can get in a lot of walking
Which you do ;)
Yeah; the message was clear in the end; no pics !
Have a nice weekend.
Hey Barbara - it's so easy to embarrass a 16 year old!
Hey Leesa - can you review all my posts BEFORE I publish them?? I can't believe how many lame brain mistakes I'm making!
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